Hydrotherapy for Fibromyalgia

What Is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that is often experienced through widespread pain in your muscles, tendons and ligaments as well as tenderness and fatigue.

Doctors don't yet know what causes Fibromyalgia, and it has a wide range of symptoms making it hard to precisely diagnose as a condition.

Although not all areas may be involved simultaneously, pain may occur in the back of the head, neck, shoulders, thoracic and lumbar spine, paraspinous regions, buttocks, hips, elbows and knees. It is not unusual for the most significant area of pain to shift over time.

What Are The Symptoms of Fibromyalgia?

Some of the many symptoms of this condition are:

Widespread pain and stiffness throughout the body, with pain especially felt when pressure is applied. The pain associated with fibromyalgia can persist for many months at a time and can have a large impact on a sufferer's quality of life.

Fatigue and poor sleep can plague a person suffering from Fibromyalgia, and sufferers frequently wake up tired and unrefreshed even though they had a sufficient amount of sleep. This may be related to a change in brain activity while resting which prevents the body from going into deep restorative sleep. Night time muscle spasms in the legs and restless leg syndrome may also be associated with Fibromylagia and these may cause difficulty sleeping.

Headaches and facial pain can be a result of Fibromyalgia that may be related to stiffness or tenderness in the neck or shoulders and the associated trigger point muscles.

Heightened sensitivity to touch, noise, odors and bright lights.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome may be experienced in the form of diarrhea, constipation, bloating and abdominal pain.

Anxiety and depression may occur, although this may also be a result of the long term discomfort and pain of the condition.

Parasthesia, a tingling sensation or numbness of the hands and feet.

Difficulty concentrating or inability to concentrate for very long.


Painful menstrual periods.

Dry skin of the face, eyes and mouth.

Chest pain.

Mood changes.

Hydrotherapy can help you in a number of different ways ?

There are several therapies available that can help you treat your Fibromyalgia pain:

Heat treatment through either hot or cold packs to reduce inflammation and relieve discomfort.

Stretching can help relieve the pain of nerve root compression.

Medications including muscle relaxants, tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), anti-seizure drugs and dopamine agonists.

Regular exercise, although it may be difficult, will allow your body to release endorphins (chemicals that prevent pain signals reaching the brain).

Ultrasound hydrotherapy  home SPA can provide deep tissue stimulation and pain relief.

Ultrasonic sound waves are pulsed at the affected area a million times per second.

The sound waves penetrate the skin and surface layers and cause tendons and soft tissues to vibrate, producing gentle healing vibrations within the affected area that soothe inflammation and relieve pain.

Ultrasound waves also cause tendons and tissues to relax and increase blood flow to help reduce local swelling and chronic inflammation.

Increased blood flow also delivers more oxygen and nutrients to the tendons and tissue, removes cell waste and aids healing.

*As Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition, you should continue to treat yourself on a regular basis to reduce your long-term pain.

Testimony :

Stress & fibroidmalogen

Susan Yeow ( from Calgary, Canada) said:
I led a very stressful life. I felt stiffness in my whole body and could not loosen up. At the age of 40, I had fibroidmalogen: my body could not expel toxins and could not absorb nutrients. As a result, my body deteriorated rapidly and I looked very much older than my husband. Worst still, I was involved in a car accident in 2003 and suffered injuries in my joints and ligaments. When I started using the home spa, I experienced numbness in my legs but it disappeared after 1 week. I am now a very happy person as the stiffness has gone and I look and feel much younger than I was. Thanks to SG-2000.

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