The use of Hydrotherapy for Gynecological disorders 

Conditions Which Affect The Female Reproductive Organs 

 ● Vaginitis 
 ● Abnormal Pap smear
 ● Interstitial cystitis or irritable urinary bladder
 ● Infertility 
 ● Dysfunctional uterine bleeding or irregular period 
Vaginitis is a term used to describe any disorder that causes swelling or infection of both the vulva and the vagina. 

Abnormal pap smear
Women are encouraged to start getting yearly Pap smears at the age of 21 or within 3 years of becoming sexually active. Pap smears are not diagnostic tests, but they are screening tools used to find any abnormal cells or dysplasia in the cervix.

Interstitial cystitis  or as we call it, IC, is a bladder condition that usually consists of multiple symptoms. Most IC patients have recurring pelvic pain, pressure, or discomfort in the bladder and pelvic region, and urinary frequency (needing to go often) and urgency (feeling a strong need to go). IC may also be referred to as painful bladder syndrome (PBS), bladder pain syndrome (BPS), and chronic pelvic pain.

Infertility primarily refers to the biological inability of a person to contribute to conception. Infertility may also refer to the state of a woman who is unable to carry a pregnancy to full term. 

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is irregular bleeding from the uterus. For example, you may get your period more often than every 21 days or farther apart than 35 days. 

Hydrotherapy home SPA SG2000 applied on Vaginitis
Reduced the frequency of vaginitis
Through the effect of increased local blood flow, promoted migration, phagocytosis and bactericidal activity. Ozone therapy in mycosis and vaginosis.

After using SG-2000 Hydrotherapy home spa

Name : Miss Chung , age:33 . 
Condition improved after using hydrotherapy home spa.

Name : Miss Chan , age:47 . 
Condition improved after using hydrotherapy home spa.

Abnormality of Pap Smear

Name : Miss Lai , age:39 . Have been using hydrotherapy home spa for 6 years with low temperature. Advised to  raise water temperature to 40-42  degree celsius and spa twice day.

Name : Miss Chung , age:54 . 
Condition improved after using hydrotherapy home spa on Jan 2009.

Name : Miss Cheng , age:52 . 
Condition improved after using hydrotherapy home spa on April 1998.

Name : Miss Hsu , age:32 . 
Condition improved after using hydrotherapy home spa.

Name : Miss Wong , age:27 . 
Condition improved after using hydrotherapy home spa on Sept 2010.

Probable mechanisms of action on cervical dysplasia
Improve inflammation
Thermal effects
-Increase capillary blood flow and cell permeability.
-Increase metabolite clearance.
-Promote tissue healing.

I am pregnant after using the  hydrotherapy home spa.
Name : Miss Lim , age:39 . already have a daughter(7 yrs old).
In 7 years, she experienced in vitro fertilization for 10 times but in vain.
2009.5.20 start using the hydrotherapy home spa.
2010.10.10 - give birth.

Name : Miss Chen , age:29 . 
5 years history of infertility. she failed 1 time in vitro fertilization.
2009.12.24 start using the hydrotherapy home spa.
2009.3.24 - UCG(+) conceived!

Name : Miss Lim , age:34 . 
5 years history of infertility. she failed 3 time in AIH.
2010.4.22 start using the hydrotherapy home spa.
2010.5.15 LMP
2010.6.15 - UCG(+) conceived!
Give birth to twins.

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